Be anxious for nothing
Since no external influence can hinder God’s purpose in a Believer’s life, it means then that the Believer has nothing to worry about. The Believer will ALWAYS, in every circumstance, have everything he/she needs to accomplish God’s will: for Christ to continue His ministry through him/her.
Turn, Turn, Turn
God actively encourages every man, every woman, to turn their lives over to Him: to yield themselves to His perfect plan, to accept His wisdom. His desire to rescue and reconcile with us. The problem is not with God. The problem is man’s response to God.
Lessons from the thief on the cross
Jesus accepted the second thief into His Kingdom. The second thief wasn’t going to escape execution, he would pay the price for his crimes. But Jesus, by remaining on the cross, paid the price for his redemption so He could welcome the second thief in paradise.
How long…?
Life is complex beyond our imagination. There are too many inputs, too many parameters, too many relationships for us to process. It’s even too much for supercomputers or for AI to compute.